Friday 9 December 2011


Show-casing the diligent, dignified, humble and shutterbug-friendly people of Halong Bay, Vietnam.

Shuttle service to the bigger boats anchored out in the bay.

Three generations of boatmen.

Patience is the keyword.

There are many such boats selling fruits.

A motorised shuttle.

Fish suppliers weighing fish.

Live snappers brought in to the  floating restaurant.

This boat suddenly appeared out of nowhere and ....

proceeded to attach itself to our moving boat.

The family of fruit vendors balancing on the deck. Amazing!

Bananas, rambutans, mangoes and mandarins galore

Please buy our fruits

Come on, please buy our fruits

Bananas anyone?

One just can't imagine the dangers they face everyday eking out a living. Both the boats were actually moving.

Sadly no one bought any. They were gone in less than two seconds.

1 comment:

Raymond Tan said...

Thanks for the postings. Very tough way of life. The kids not only miss their schooling lives but also taking so much risk everyday trying to earn some meagre income for their daily expenses